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Evan Grahek


Agua Dulce, U.S.A.

  • Piano, Organ

  • Semi-Professional

  • The Master’s University

Evan Grahek started playing the piano at the age of twelve. He developed a passion for performing, and by seventeen he was performing some of the most difficult repertoire written for the piano, and participated in master classes taught by Dr. Sam Rotman, Dr. Robert Ward, Professor Adam Wibrowski, and Dr. Robert Lehrbaumer. He won First Place in the 2013 and 2015 CAPMT Piano Sonata Competition in Los Angeles and placed in several other competitions in California. Evan has also performed in many international festivals and venues in locations including Russia, Austria, Albania, Croatia, Israel, Italy, Canada, Slovakia, and many states in the U.S. He is currently finishing his Bachelors Degree in Piano Performance at the Master’s University.

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