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Claire Hadley


Vienna, Austria

Hawaii, USA

  • Piano

  • Student (Pro)

  • Classical, Improvisation

Currently I'm working on Chopin Ballades and preparing to join one of the conservatories in Vienna. I'm new to the city, but I hope to connect with like-minded people who love classical music as much as I do.

My Videos

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My Inspiration

4 Videos


Martha Argerich - Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 3

Roberto Prosseda

Chopin Ballade n. 4, op. 52 in F minor - Roberto Prosseda

Seigneur ReefShark

Medtner - Sonata Romantica Op. 53 No. 1 (Tozer)

Chopin Institute

Szymon Nehring – K. Szymanowski "Variations in B flat minor, Op. 3" (Chopin and his Europe)
