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Igudesman & Joo

The Loser Takes It All - EPISODE 1 - The Mountain of Success

    Premiered on
  • 2021년 8월 14일     6:00 PM (UTC+2:00)
  • Sion, Switzerland
  • Violin and piano duos from all over the world, are obliged to play theatrical and humorous works. Bribing the Jury is only one of many ways for victory, who will withstand the pressure? In the heart of the Swiss alps young talents compete for the chance of their lives, not knowing the producers, Igudesman & too and the zany but brilliant professor Pavel Vernikov, have a very different plan.
  • Famous music comedians host a madcap competition for young brilliant talents, where bribing the jury encouraged and creativity wins over perfection. We take a surreal yet truthful look behind the scenes with hilarious interviews which expose the. Absurdity and the emotional highs and lows of everyone involved.


  • Regie: Hyung-ki Joo, Aleksey Igudesman
  • Supporting Cast: Pavel Vernikov
  • Producer: Aleksey Igudesman, Sebastian Leitner