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EuroArts Music International

Mozart in Paris

    Premiered on
  • 2022년 5월 13일     6:00 PM (UTC+2:00)
  • Paris, Frankreich
  • An evening with Music Traveler Ambassador Lars Vogt, dedicated to Mozart, in the beautiful gardens of the Hôtel de Sully.
  • The Orchestre de Chambre de Paris and its new musical leader, the famous German pianist and conductor Lars Vogt celebrate an all-Mozart evening in the gardens of the Hôtel de Sully. Once again, the artists perform in front of an actual audience. Nearly 300 people attended this unprecedented concert.


  • Conductor: Lars Vogt / Orchestra: Orchestre de Chambre de Paris / Performers: Magali Mosnier, flute; Valeria Kafelnikov, harp / Director: Louise Narboni / Producer: Prismedia